The strange tale behind my phone number


Table of Contents

The start

I got my phone number back in boston along with my dad at an AT&T store. It was during a summer travel to boston for vacation and visiting colleges. We went to this small AT&T store with lots of round table and got myself with a phone number and a data plan.

What's going on with my phone number?

Since last year, I've been consantly receiving text from various people asking to sell my "house". Of course, it is not me who have the house, but a fellow named John. I always ignored the texts, until they become somewhat unbearable. So I decided to look into it for some fun.

Findings so far


For the sake of privacy, things like last names or spcific address will not be mentioned.

The first thing to look into is the house:

After a few quick searches, I discovered that the house is a 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2300 sqft condo that was built in 1910. The house was sold 3 times, one in 1987, one in 1989 and one in 2001.

Also according to some searches, the house is undergoing the process of foreclosure.

Interestingly, it was planned to appear on an online auction recently, but was cancelled. I wonder if that has anything to do with me not answering their text.

The second is the person, John:

Apprently, he, along with Madeline(I'm assuming that's his wife) owns that condo. They are both in thier 50s, and is currenty live in some other place in Boston. They have three company under their name with a focus on servicing limos.

Some other lore

My phone number also have been used by some chinese docter names Docter Zhou, so far, not a lot of text have been sent to my way, so i'm going to come back later if there's more coming in.