
A probabilistic context free grammar (PCFG) is a type of formal grammar that contains probabilistic functions in order to assign a probability to each production rule. PCFGs are a type of generative grammar, which means they can be used to generate sentences from a given set of rules. Unlike traditional context free grammars, PCFGs use probabilities instead of just binary values (true or false) to determine the likelihood for each production rule. This allows for the generation of more complex and natural-sounding sentences.

A CFG consist of..

  • Terminals
  • Nonterminals
  • Start symbol
  • Rules

A generic PCFG consists of

Context free grammar

  • Terminals
  • Nonterminals
  • Start symbol
  • Rules

along with..

  • Rule probabilities

Abbreviation meanings:

NN --> common nouns NNS --> common nouns(plural) NNP --> proper Nouns(singular)

  • like name of people, places and things VB --> verbs base form VBG --> verbs with -ing

probabilistic context free grammar