Trouble shooting Armoury crate Intergrated and deciated GPU switch


I’ve been having trouble switching between my intergrated dedicated GPU using Armoury crate. There is a process called “textinputhost.exe” that cannot be terminated, and therefore blocking Armoury crate from executing the switch.


I’ve tried solution proposed on this post, and it worked the last time, but this time it did not solve the problem.

I then unpluged my computer, force shutdown my computer instead of using the default reboot (At this point the touch keyboard service is shutdown) and restarted it after about two minutes. Immediatly after the restart I’ve opened Amourary crate and switched to the intergated GPU mode, and it worked.


When I restarted Touch keyboard serivice and restarted the computer, the condition still holds. However, when i plug in the computer to power, the textinputhost.exe poped back on.

I noticed that in task manager, a TabletInputServices is using the TouchKeyboard services. So I went into setting and disabled it.

That did not work.

I then went and goto setting and forced textinputhost.ext to use intergrated GPU: but it did not work.

I finally went to desktop, rightclick went to Navida’s graphic setting, and turned the perfered GPU to intergratd GPU. And it worked.

This article also helped.